Cutting through the Category Noise

Raising awareness for Zapp and making it the 3rd most popular delivery app for 16-25 year olds Londonders in under 6 months from a standing start.

The North Star
Make Zapp one of the most popular delivery apps in London.

What really needed to be done?
Category disruption and awareness. Make Zapp the only quick-commerce delivery brand worth downloading.

The Slingshot
Instant Gratification. Positioned the brand as offering instant gratification with a through-the-line multi-media breakthrough campaign.

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The Results

Rapid Growth 
Zapp achieved remarkable success by becoming the 3rd most popular delivery app for 16-25 year olds in London in under six months.

Category Dominance
Successfully disrupted the quick-commerce delivery category by establishing Zapp as the most compelling choice.

An Essential Brand

The scalable creative approach helped Zapp become an integral part of consumers' daily lives, elevating the brand's significance in the market.

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