Create a behavioural change campaign to bring ‘Money, Motivated’ to life

Changing perceptions of Plum to be the long-term enabler of financial wellbeing, attracting new audiences to Plum and changing people's behaviour when it comes to managing their money.

The North Star 
Boost Plum’s revenue during the campaign period. 

What really needed to be done?
Improve conversion from consideration to usage while building brand awareness. 

The Slingshot
Life Flows When. Appeal to an audience struggling with money management. We tapped into Plum's unique features to help people reshape their financial behaviours and attitudes for the better. 

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The Results

Awareness and Conversion
Plum's spontaneous awareness increased by 2% and led to a remarkable increase in conversion rates from consideration to usage, driving growth.

Positive Associations
Plum was seen as 'helpful,' 'smart,' and 'effortless' in managing finances, establishing trust.

Impressive Impressions
Our campaign resonated with digital savvy viewers and generated a staggering 44.5 million impressions, 9 million views on TV and 3.2 million views on YouTube.

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